Can a Child Custody Attorney Help Me Establish Paternity?

Not all that long ago, it was still frowned upon for a child to be born out of wedlock. Today, however, the pressure to get married when expecting a child has largely disappeared. The result is that a significant percentage of births in the United States are children born to unmarried parents. While this no longer creates the societal scandal it once did, it can still present some legal challenges. Specifically, it creates the need to establish legal paternity over [ ] The post Can a Child Custody Attorney Help Me Establish Paternity? appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Plano Child Custody Attorney: Top 5 Questions Answered

Going through a divorce is rarely easy. Along with the emotional upheaval you feel as a result of the end of your marriage, you must also face the practical and legal consequences of the decision to end the marriage. When minor children are involved, the already difficult process of divorce can become downright traumatic, particularly if the issue of custody of the minor children is contested. Because every divorce involves a unique set of facts and circumstances, it is in [ ] The post Plano Child Custody Attorney: Top 5 Questions Answered appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Fifty-Fifty Custody in Texas? It’s possible!

Hello, Dads out there I get calls all the time from Dads who say all they want is 50-50 custody , as though it s just a matter of snapping your fingers, lol. There is nothing in the Texas Family Code which tells a judge to use 50-50. There is not even a guideline for how to determine child support once there IS a 50-50. Forever, it seems, the old scheme of one parent having primary custody and the other being relegated [ ] The post Fifty-Fifty Custody in Texas? It s possible! appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

McKinney Child Custody Attorney Explains Joint Custody

When the parents of a minor child decide to end their marriage, one of the first issues that typically comes up is custody of the minor child. In fact, many people remain in a marriage far beyond the point at which they decide they want a divorce solely because they are concerned about losing custody of their child in a divorce. Instead of battling for sole custody of a child, parents sometimes decide they want “joint custody” of the child. [ ] The post McKinney Child Custody Attorney Explains Joint Custody appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Frisco Child Custody Attorney Explains Possession and Access

When the parents of a minor child do not live together for one reason or another, it becomes necessary to establish who has custody of the child and how visitation with the child will work. In the State of Texas, the terms “custody” and “visitation,” however, are not used. Instead, the terms “conservatorship” and “possession and access” are used in place of the terms custody and visitation. If you are in a position where possession and access of your minor [ ] The post Frisco Child Custody Attorney Explains Possession and Access appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

How Much Will a Plano Child Custody Attorney Cost Me?

When the parents of a minor child decide to call their marriage quits, the divorce process that follows can be amicable or adversarial. One issue that frequently turns an otherwise amicable divorce into a contentious battlefield is child custody. If the parties to a divorce cannot agree on who will have the primary custody, or “conservatorship” as it is referred to in Texas, of the minor child after the divorce it can also drag the litigation out for months, even [ ] The post How Much Will a Plano Child Custody Attorney Cost Me? appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

McKinney Child Custody Attorney Explains Conservatorship

Realizing that a marriage is headed for divorce is never easy, particularly when there are minor children involved. In fact, parents frequently stay together far longer than they would otherwise because they are concerned about the impact a divorce will have on the children. Ironically, those same parents sometimes turn right around and wage an all-out war for conservatorship (custody) of the children, turning what could be an amicable divorce into a contentious battlefield. If you believe your marriage is [ ] The post McKinney Child Custody Attorney Explains Conservatorship appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Frisco Child Custody Attorney Offers Tips to Help You Get Custody

When the parents of a minor child decide to end their marriage, custody of the child can be the most divisive issue in the subsequent divorce. In fact, when the parties cannot agree on the terms of custody, or conservatorship as it is referred to in Texas, a divorce can turn downright combative. If you foresee the issue of custody being contested in your upcoming divorce, you need to be prepared. The most important thing you can do for you [ ] The post Frisco Child Custody Attorney Offers Tips to Help You Get Custody appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Is Domestic Violence Relevant to Child Custody in Texas?

We all know that domestic violence has an impact on a marriage, including the children. Does domestic violence also impact decisions made in a divorce proceeding though? The State of Texas, like most states, no longer requires a petitioner to prove that he/she has “grounds” for a divorce; however, that does not mean that domestic violence during the marriage will not play a role in the divorce if there are minor children involved. In fact, the laws of the State [ ] The post Is Domestic Violence Relevant to Child Custody in Texas? appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..

Can a Frisco Child Custody Attorney Help Me Obtain Permission to Move out of the State with My Kids?

When the parents of a minor child end their marriage, or otherwise live apart, it is customary for the parents to create a Parenting Plan that ensures both parents have quality time with the child. In most cases, the parents remain living within a reasonable distance from each other, making it fairly easy to adhere to that schedule. What happens, however, if you wish to move out of state with your child? Unless the child’s other parent has never established [ ] The post Can a Frisco Child Custody Attorney Help Me Obtain Permission to Move out of the State with My Kids? appeared first on Law Office of Jon R. Boyd..